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Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011
Financial Assistant FSN-8; FP-06 | Embassy of the United States San Jose, Costa Rica
Financial Assistant FSN-8; FP-06
OPEN TO: All Interested CandidatesPOSITION: Financial Assistant FSN-8; FP-06*
OPENING DATE: October 26, 2011
CLOSING DATE: November 09, 2011
WORK HOURS: Full-time; 40 hours/week.
SALARY: * Not-Ordinarily Resident (NOR): US$38,394 annual (Starting salary) (Position Grade: FP-06 is confirmed by Washington)
* Ordinarily Resident (OR): ¢728,670.00 monthly (Starting salary) (Position Grade: FSN-8)
The U.S. Embassy in San Jose is seeking an individual for the position of Financial Assistant in the Financial Management Office.
Incumbent is the State Department Accounting Technician for ICASS, Program, and Representation Allotments, and is the Accounting Technician for the Foreign Agriculture Office which is the regional office for Panama, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Also provides basic assistance to Non-Serviced Agencies like the Office of Defense Representative, (ODR), Department of Justice, (DEA), and Agriculture (APHIS).A copy of the complete position description listing all duties and responsibilities is available in the Human Resources Office.
Contact Ext: (506) 2519-2374.
All applicants must address each selection criterion detailed below with specific and comprehensive information supporting each item.
- Three years of studies in a Technical School or University in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, Economics is required.
- Three years of experience in the Financial Management field to include Budgeting, Accounting, Voucher processing and use of a Financial Management Accounting System is required.
- Level 4 (Fluent) Speaking/Reading/Writing English and Spanish ability is required. This will be tested.
- Vast experience using calculators and the different MS computer applications (Word, Excel, Internet, Outlook).
- Must be very well familiarized with the Costa Rican Labor Laws and Regulations.
- Must exercise good level of interpersonal skills in order to facilitate exchange of information at the working level. Must be able to communicate budget information clearly and completely, both in writing and orally. Must have good logical and reasoning skills to be able to manipulate budget and accounting information.
When fully qualified, U.S. Citizen Eligible Family Members (USEFMs) and U.S. Veterans are given preference. Therefore, it is essential that the candidate specifically address the required qualifications above in the application.
- Management will consider nepotism/conflict of interest, budget, and residency status in determining successful candidacy.
- Current employees serving a probationary period are not eligible to apply.
- Current Ordinarily Resident employees with an Overall Summary Rating of Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory on their most recent Employee Performance Report are not eligible to apply.
- Currently employed U.S. Citizen EFMs who hold a Family Member Appointment (FMA) are ineligible to apply for advertised positions within the first 90 calendar days of their employment.
- Currently employed NORs hired under a Personal Services Agreement (PSA) are ineligible to apply for advertised positions within the first 90 calendar days of their employment unless currently hired into a position with a When Actually Employed (WAE) work schedule.
Interested candidates for this position must submit the following for consideration of the application:
- Universal Application for Employment as a Locally Employed Staff or Family Member (DS-174); or
- A current resume or curriculum vitae that provides the same information found on the DS-174.
- Candidates who claim U.S. Veterans preference must provide the copy #4 of their Form DD-214 with their application. Candidates who claim conditional U.S. Veterans preference must submit documentation confirming eligibility for a conditional preference in hiring with their application.
- Any other documentation (e.g., essays, certificates, awards) that addresses the qualification requirements of the position as listed above.
Human Resources Office
Email: jobsembassysanjose@state.gov
POINT OF CONTACTHuman Resources Office
Telephone: (506) 2519-2374
The U.S. Mission in San Jose, Costa Rica provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation. The Department of State also strives to achieve equal employment opportunity in all personnel operations through continuing diversity enhancement programs.
The EEO complaint procedure is not available to individuals who believe they have been denied equal opportunity based upon marital status or political affiliation. Individuals with such complaints should avail themselves of the appropriate grievance procedures, remedies for prohibited personnel practices, and/or courts for relief.
1. Eligible Family Member (EFM): An individual related to a U.S. Government employee in one of the following ways:- Spouse or same-sex domestic partner (as defined in 3 FAM 1610);
- Child, who is unmarried and under 21 years of age or, regardless of age, is incapable of self-support. The term shall include, in addition to natural offspring, stepchildren and adopted children and those under legal guardianship of the employee or the spouse when such children are expected to be under such legal guardianship until they reach 21 years of age and when dependent upon and normally residing with the guardian;
- Parent (including stepparents and legally adoptive parents) of the employee or of the spouse, when such parent is at least 51 percent dependent on the employee for support;
- Sister or brother (including stepsisters and stepbrothers, or adoptive sisters or brothers) of the employee, or of the spouse, when such sibling is at least 51 percent dependent on the employee for support, unmarried, and under 21 years of age, or regardless of age, incapable of self-support.
- U.S. Citizen; and,
- EFM (see above) at least 18 years old; and,
- Listed on the travel orders of a direct-hire Foreign, Civil, or uniformed service member assigned to or stationed abroad with a USG agency that is under COM authority, or at an office of the American Institute in Taiwan; and either:
- Resides at the sponsoring employee's or uniformed service member's post of assignment abroad or at an office of the American Institute in Taiwan; or
- Resides at an Involuntary Separate Maintenance Allowance (ISMA) location authorized under 3 FAM 3232.2.
3. Appointment Eligible Family Member (AEFM): EFM (see above) eligible for a Family Member Appointment for purposes of Mission employment:
- Is a U.S. citizen; and
- Spouse or same-sex domestic partner (as defined in 3 FAM 1610) or a child of the sponsoring employee who is unmarried and at least 18 years old; and
- Is listed on the travel orders or approved Form OF-126, Foreign Service Residence and Dependency Report, of a sponsoring employee, i.e., a direct-hire Foreign Service, Civil Service, or uniformed service member who is permanently assigned to or stationed abroad at a U.S. mission, or at an office of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), and who is under chief of mission authority; and
- Is residing at the sponsoring employee's post of assignment abroad or, as appropriate, office of the American Institute in Taiwan.
- Does not receive a Foreign Service or Civil Service annuity
- Not an EFM; and,
- Not on the travel orders of the sponsoring employee; and,
- Has been officially declared by the sponsoring USG employee to the COM as part of his/her household.
5. Not Ordinarily Resident (NOR) – An individual who:
- Is not a citizen of the host country; and,
- Does not ordinarily reside (OR, see below) in the host country; and,
- Is not subject to host country employment and tax laws; and,
- Has a U.S. Social Security Number (SSN).
6. Ordinarily Resident (OR) – A Foreign National or U.S. citizen who:
- Is locally resident; and,
- Has legal, permanent resident status within the host country; and,
- Is subject to host country employment and tax laws.
- This site is managed by the U.S. Department of State. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein.
Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011
Auswärtiges Amt - Mobilität im Auswärtigen Amt
Die Bereitschaft, alle drei bis vier Jahre den Arbeitsplatz zu wechseln, verlangt den Bediensteten des Auswärtigen Amts und ihren Familien viel ab. Lesen Sie, wie ein Diplomat im Vorbereitungsdienst das Bewerbungsverfahren für den ersten Posten erlebt.
New York, Rio, Togo?! Mobilität im Auswärtigen Amt
Es gibt Tage, an denen sich auch die fleißigsten Attachés nicht so recht auf die Seminarinhalte konzentrieren können. Ein solcher Tag ist die Veröffentlichung der "Vakanzenliste".
In grauer Vorzeit, als das Zusammenleben der Menschen noch planlos und unorganisiert verlief, kam ein schlauer Zeitgenosse auf die Idee, wie diesem Chaos Einhalt zu gebieten sei. Es war eine geniale Erfindung, die alles bis dato Dagewesene veränderte, und ihr Erfinder gab ihr die Bezeichnung "Liste".
Es wird jedoch auch immer wieder von Fällen berichtet, in denen Listen Ihrer Bestimmung nicht gerecht werden konnten und gerade das verursacht haben, was sie doch eigentlich vermeiden sollten: Chaos! Ein solcher Fall ereignete sich auch im Juli 2011 in der Akademie Auswärtiger Dienst in Tegel.
Ein Attaché entdeckte eines Morgens die berühmte sogenannte "Vakanzenliste" im Intranet und damit begann eine Lawine unaufhaltsam alles mit sich reißend gen Tal zu rollen.
Die meisten Bediensteten des Auswärtigen Amts erwartet alle drei bis vier Jahre eine neue Arbeitsstelle – meistens verbunden mit einem Umzug ins Ausland oder einer Rückkehr nach Berlin.
Im Spätsommer jedes Jahres gibt das Personalreferat des Auswärtigen Amts eine Liste mit den im nächsten Sommer freiwerdenden Posten im Auswärtigen Amt und an den deutschen Auslandsvertretungen bekannt.
Aus dieser Vakanzenliste wählt dann jeder Mitarbeiter, der zur Versetzung ansteht, seine "Wunschposten" und reicht diese beim Personalreferat ein.
Nach mehrmonatiger Abstimmung der Neubesetzungen, die auch die familiäre und gesundheitliche Situation der Mitarbeiter berücksichtigt, wird der neue Arbeitsplatz etwa ein halbes Jahr später bekannt gegeben.
Zum so genannten "einheitlichen Versetzungstermin" im darauffolgenden Sommer wechseln dann circa 2000 der insgesamt über 6000 Mitarbeiter weltweit den Arbeitsplatz. Auch die Attachés – die Anwärter im höheren Dienst – bewerben sich während des Jahres ihrer Ausbildung "auf die Liste" und fiebern dann dem ersten In- oder Auslandsposten entgegen.
Ein Gemurmel, aus dem manches Mal Satzfetzen wie "Mexiko gleich dreimal" oder "Rio ist gar nicht dabei!" die ansonsten eher träge Stille des Raumes durchdrangen, waren Boten einer zumindest für uns neuen Zeit; einer Zeit, in der wir uns aufmachten, unsere Zukunft zu planen (oder zumindest die kommenden drei Jahre).
A, B, C oder Krisenposten?
Die "Liste" verhieß hierbei eine ungewöhnliche Zukunft in einer scheinbar anderen Welt: Lag in dieser Vakanzenparallelwelt doch Bogotá gleich neben Belgrad, New York neben Nikosia und Skopje und Mexiko-Stadt fanden sich in derselben mysteriösen Kategorie B wieder. So mancher ertappte sich dabei, wie er Traumposten liebevoll mit dem Leuchtstift hervorhob, während er ungeliebte Posten mit Missachtung strafte oder im Stillen bei sich dachte: "Da soll mal schön jemand anderes hingehen, ich ganz bestimmt nicht!"
Im verregneten deutschen Sommer flüchtete sich der ein oder andere in Gedanken unter argentinische Sonne, fuhr sich lässig durchs Haar, den Geschmack von Matetee fast auf der Zunge spürend, während der Nachbar an all die spannenden Begegnungen dachte, die er wohl an der Ständigen Vertretung in Brüssel machen würde und daran, dass sein Französisch bis dahin noch irgendwie - und zwar möglichst bald - einen Quantensprung hinlegen möge.
Wieder ein anderer phantasierte über die Abenteuer, die wohl in Afrika auf ihn warten würden, wohl wissend, dass er das seiner Frau und dem Kleinen unmöglich zumuten konnte; während die ledigen Kollegen unter uns ein Jahr in Kabul oder Bagdad auf sich zukommen sahen (Man ist ja nicht gebunden, da ist doch ein Krisenposten kein Problem, oder?).
Das Chaos, begleitet von einem zuvor ungekannten „Postenrausch“, war da. Die Lawine hatte 40 Jungdiplomaten auf der Halbinsel Reiherwerder mitten im Hochsommer unter sich begraben.
Posten-Shopping im Intranet
Doch natürlich ließ auch die Ernüchterung, die bekanntlich auf jeden Rausch folgt, nicht lange auf sich warten, denn in so manch stillem Augenblick beschlich einige – zumindest mich - doch das Gespenst des Zweifels: Möchte ich wirklich drei Jahre meines Lebens in Kinshasa verbringen? Bin ich bereit für La Paz? Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, wirklich? Jeder von uns hat schon einmal im Ausland gelebt, kennt sich in anderen Kulturen aus, aber traue ich mir das alles zu? Und schließlich gibt es auch in Berlin in der Zentrale sehr interessante Tätigkeiten - und in drei Jahren kann man dann immer noch die Welt entdecken.
Und nun? Die Karawane ist weiter gezogen, die Liste auf elektronischem Wege abgegeben, die Lawinenopfer konnten lebend und wohlbehalten geborgen werden und befinden sich auf dem Wege der Besserung, ohne dass bleibende Schäden zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt entdeckt worden wären.
Das Crewboot ist wieder in ruhiges Fahrwasser zurückgekehrt, zumindest bis beim ersten der 40 Attachés eine Mail, in der um Rückruf zwecks Besprechung der von der Personalplanung getroffenen Versetzungsentscheidung gebeten wird, ihren Weg in den Dienstmailposteingang findet. Oder das Personalreferat gleich auf dem Handy anruft.
Stand 25.10.2011
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Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2011
Barack Obama | Stories for Jobs
Helmut --
Now that each and every Senate Republican has vowed to block measures that would create jobs, President Obama is not going to wait for them to rebuild the economy and bring financial security back to the middle class.
Today, he announced new rules on federal mortgages to prevent more families from losing their homes to foreclosure. And that's just the beginning -- the President said he would continue to make the changes he can by executive action, while continuing to urge Congress to act on legislation to strengthen the economy and create jobs.
If Congress doesn't act, he will -- because millions of Americans can't just wait for Congress to do their jobs. That's why thousands of you have been calling and tweeting your representatives over the past month, joining the President in sending a message to lawmakers in Washington that they need to act now.
We're not just going to continue to wait -- and we'll be keeping up the pressure by making sure they're hearing from folks across the country every day about why they need to act.
Will you share your story -- and join President Obama in telling Congress that we can't and won't wait?
Will you share your story -- and join President Obama in telling Congress that we can't and won't wait?
Republicans in Congress have repeatedly filibustered the President's ideas to create jobs now -- ideas that until recently were supported by Republicans.
The President's action today also stands in stark contrast to the positions of the Republicans running for president. Mitt Romney even told a newspaper last week that we actually shouldn't act; we should let the housing crisis "run its course" and "hit the bottom" so that "investors" can come in and buy up these homes at cheap prices. He's saying to homeowners that they are on their own, forcing thousands of families to explain to their kids why they have to give up their homes.
Doing nothing while families struggle: that's the opposite of what this president and this campaign stand for. President Obama isn't going to let Congress' inaction stop him from doing what he can right now.
So here's what the President's announcement means:
-- More families whose homes are under water will get help and save money on their monthly mortgage payment through the Home Affordable Refinance Programs.
-- If the value of your mortgage is $100,000 and your house is valued at $75,000, you previously weren't able to refinance to save your home -- forcing many families to pay higher interest rates. As a result of today's announcement, many more responsible homeowners will be able to lower their rates and pay their debts.
-- And this is just one of the incremental changes to come. Next, the President will announce new steps to help young people manage their federal student loan debt while they look for a job and get on their feet. He'll also take action to help small businesses and entrepreneurs, spur the engines of job growth, create new jobs, and assist veterans in finding them.
These measures alone are not a comprehensive solution to the economic challenges we face. That needs to come out of Congress -- and if they're going to finally put party aside, they're going to need to keep hearing from us. President Obama is stepping up the pressure, and he's counting on us to keep going, too.
Get the President's back and keep the heat on Congress -- tell your story of why we can't wait any longer:
James Kvaal
Policy Director
Obama for America
ARD Morgenmagazin: Ihre Fragen zu HartzIV Servicethema vom 25.10.2011 – Neue Urteile zu Hartz IV « Helmut Zermin 's Blog
ARD Morgenmagazin: Ihre Fragen zu HartzIV Servicethema vom 25.10.2011 – Neue Urteile zu Hartz IV « Helmut Zermin 's Blog
Rechtsexperte Wolfgang Büser beantwortet heute im ARD Morgenmagazin Ihre Fragen zu HartzIV . Wenn Sie also Fragen zu HartzIV haben, rufen Sie unter: Telefon 0221-56789-500 an, faxen unter : 0221-56789-600 ein Fax oder schicken unter moma.service@WDR.DE eine E-Mail.
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Montag, 24. Oktober 2011
Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011
Samstag, 22. Oktober 2011
Freitag, 21. Oktober 2011
How Do We Help the Long-Term Unemployed? | The White House
Posted by Matt Compton on October 21, 2011 at 02:59 PM EDT
We've talked a lot about how President Obama came into office facing the worst recession since the Great Depression. We've spent less time discussing another looming economic crisis: the plight of America's long-term unemployed.
Right now, nearly half -- 45 percent -- of the unemployed in this country have been out of work for six months or longer. The average period of unemployment lasts 40.5 weeks, the highest average since we began collecting this data in 1948.
At some point, the time you spend looking for a job itself becomes an impediment to finding work. Your skills erode and potential employers begin question to why other businesses haven't hired you.
Long-term unemployment is more than just a personal crisis. It can cause lasting and significant damage to the nation's economy.
In today's Wall Street Journal, Gene Sperling, director of President Obama's National Economic Council, argued that helping these individuals get back into the workforce is one reason why we need to take action now:
To see this type of economic hardship and choose not to put forward any immediate measures for job creation means turning a blind eye to the national crisis of long-term unemployment. It means saying that it is acceptable to sit on our hands in the face of projections of 1.5% to 2% growth in an economy where over 14 million people are already out of work and high unemployment is feeding weakness in the housing market. President Obama categorically disagrees.
The American Jobs Act lays out a specific set of proposals to offer targeted assistance to these people:
It includes a tax credit for hiring the long-term unemployed and veterans, and a ban on hiring discrimination against the unemployed. It also calls for major reforms to our unemployment-insurance system, including wage insurance to assist workers whose new job pays less than their old, a "Bridge to Work" program to help the unemployed reconnect with the labor force through temporary work, job-search assistance for all long-term unemployed, and support for unemployed workers looking to become entrepreneurs.
Of course, the President's plan will also help to create as many as 1.9 million jobs, according to independent economists. It will also lower unemployment and grow the economy by as much as 2 percent.
The time to take action is now; we can't afford to wait. As Sperling said, "The moment is too serious. The stakes are too high."
See more about Economy
Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011
Meedia: Boa! Springers abgedrehte Job-Kampagne
Meedia: Boa! Springers abgedrehte Job-Kampagne
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Montag, 17. Oktober 2011
Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2011
The King Memorial: A Symbol of the Best in America | The White House
Posted by Rep. John Lewis on October 16, 2011 at 11:08 AM EDT
On August 28, 1963, the day of the March on Washington, all of the platform speakers were invited to the White House to meet with President John F. Kennedy. A few months earlier I had made my very first trip to the White House. I was only 23-years-old and also the brand-new chairman of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. It was amazing. A week into my new job I was headed to the White House to meet President Kennedy.
I was with five other great men, including Martin Luther King Jr., Roy Wilkins, James Farmer, and Whitney Young, known as the Big Six leaders of the movement. There were many women who were instrumental to our plans to march and many heroines of the movement, including Coretta Scott King, Fannie Lou Hamer, Dorothy Height, Ella Baker and Diane Nash. However, as was customary in those times, none of them were in the room that day. We told President Kennedy the people could not wait any longer. We were planning to call on thousands to march on Washington.
President Kennedy was visibly concerned. He was sitting in the Oval Office in his rocking chair, and he began to rock a little more briskly. He was concerned about violence. He wanted to cool down rising tensions, but A. Philip Randolph, the founder of the Brotherhood of Pullman Car Porters, the dean of our movement, and the visionary behind the march assured him this would be a lawful, peaceful, non-violent march. I will never forget. Randolph told him, we could not wait any longer. “Mr. President, he said, “if we cool down any more we will be in a deep freeze.”
After the largest march Washington had ever seen, the President stood in the door of his office relaxed and beaming. He shook each hand and said, “You did a good job. You did a good job.” But when he got to Martin Luther King Jr. he said, “And you had a dream.”
King’s aspirations for this nation were “deeply rooted in the American dream.” And it is because of his unwavering commitment to the cause of justice, the principles of peace and non-violent activism, because of his insistence on the equal dignity of all humanity that he has found his place on the National Mall. Martin Luther King Jr. represents the very best in America. It was his moral voice that helped this nation turn the corner and lay down the burden of a grave injustice.
Thus it is fitting and so appropriate that we honor Martin Luther King Jr. in what I like to call “the frontyard of America”. He must be looked upon as one of the founders of the New America. He must be looked upon as one of the founders of a nation more prepared to meet its highest destiny. And that is why the image of this humble Baptist minister from Atlanta, Georgia, a man who was never elected to any public office, can be seen today standing on the National Mall between the monuments to two great presidents—Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson.
We have come a great distance as a nation and as a people, but we still have a great distance to go before we create what Dr. King called the Beloved Community. I define it as a society based on simple justice that values the dignity and the worth of every human being. The struggle to build this kind of community does not last for one day, one week, or one year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Each of us must continue to do our part to help make this vision a reality.
President Obama is doing all he can to help build this sense of community. In the bluster of media hype and political rhetoric, the substantive work President Obama has done to turn our economy around, to assist everyday Americans during this time of financial crisis, and to put people back to work has not gotten enough attention. In his humility this President has not trumpeted his success. He has kept his eyes focused on the challenges at hand, trying to use his power to do what he believes is in the best interest of the American people.
Perhaps you remember his demand that we expand and extend unemployment insurance to people who had been laid off. Maybe you heard about his loan modification programs which have offered relief to more than $2 million Americans who would have lost their homes. He added $7.6 billion to the Hardest Hit Fund to help homeowners in the most dire straits, and $7 billion for a program to stabilize neighborhoods blighted by the foreclosure crisis. These resources have been invaluable to my district in Atlanta, one of the hardest hit in the country. Recently, the White House released a report, called Creating Pathways to Opportunity, that highlights the many initiatives this president has fought hard to execute which strengthen the economy while protecting the most vulnerable Americans.
With the help of a Democratic Congress, college students now have access to affordable healthcare until they are 26. The President doubled their Pell Grant funding and has enacted 17 tax cuts to free small businesses to be the engine of growth they had always been. President Obama is trying to do his part to help build a Beloved Community. We have a great President in our midst who is trying to do the kind of good that will last. And if each of us will do our part to respect human dignity, to speak up and speak out non-violently for the cause of justice then we can all help build the Beloved Community, a nation and a world society at peace with itself.
Congressman John Lewis is the U.S. Representative for Georgia's 5th congressional district and recipient of the 2010 Presidential Medal of Freedom.
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Samstag, 15. Oktober 2011
Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011
Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011
Montag, 10. Oktober 2011
Obama for America | 2012 | Obama for America Headquarters Internship Application
Obama for America | 2012 | Obama for America Headquarters Internship Application
Interns will be placed within a department and work directly with the team they are assigned to. Part of their responsibilities will be to speak with voters about the importance of joining the campaign and participate in outreach activities within the Chicago community.
Obama for America is looking for motivated and enthusiastic leaders who are interested in campaign work for our Headquarters Spring 2012 Internship Program in Chicago, IL.
Interns with Obama for America will have the chance to gain hands on experience with a presidential campaign and strengthen their skills as future leaders. Interns will also learn firsthand about the grassroots efforts that drives our campaign and how what we do here at headquarters facilitates our actions on the ground.
Interns with Obama for America will have the chance to gain hands on experience with a presidential campaign and strengthen their skills as future leaders. Interns will also learn firsthand about the grassroots efforts that drives our campaign and how what we do here at headquarters facilitates our actions on the ground.
Interns will be placed within a department and work directly with the team they are assigned to. Part of their responsibilities will be to speak with voters about the importance of joining the campaign and participate in outreach activities within the Chicago community.
The deadline for application is November 1st and acceptances will occur on a rolling basis.
Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011
Samstag, 8. Oktober 2011
WEEKLY ADDRESS FROM US-PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Growing the Economy with the American Jobs Act " The White House
The White House, Office of the Press Secretary
WASHINGTON, 8. October 2011: In this week’s address, President Obama told the American people that the Senate will vote on the American Jobs Act next week, which independent economists have said will put Americans back to work, grow the economy, and give working people and small businesses a tax break. It is time for those who oppose the jobs act to explain why they are fighting against something that we know will improve the American economy, put teachers in classrooms, cops on the streets, and construction workers back to work rebuilding our roads and bridges. President Obama urged all Americans who support the American Jobs Act to call their Senators and tell them to put a stop to the gridlock in Washington and pass the jobs act next week.
Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Next week, the Senate will vote on the American Jobs Act. It’s a bill that will put more people to work and put more money in the pockets of working Americans. And it will provide our economy with the jolt that it really needs right now.
This is not the time for the usual games or political gridlock in Washington. The challenges facing financial markets around the world could have very real effects on our own economy at a time when it’s already fragile. But this jobs bill can help guard against another downturn here in America.
This isn’t just my belief. This is what independent economists have said. Not just politicians. Not just people in my administration. Independent experts who do this for a living have said that this jobs bill will have a significant effect for our economy and middle-class families all across America. But if we don’t act, the opposite will be true – there will be fewer jobs and weaker growth.
So any Senator out there who’s thinking about voting against this jobs bill needs to explain why they would oppose something that we know would improve our economic situation. If the Republicans in Congress think they have a better plan for creating jobs right now, they should prove it. Because one of the same independent economists who looked at our plan just said that their ideas, quote, wouldn’t “mean much for the economy in the near term.”
If their plan doesn’t measure up, the American people deserve to know what it is that Republicans in Congress don’t like about this jobs plan. You hear a lot of our Republican friends say that one of the most important things we can do is cut taxes. Well, they should love this plan. The American Jobs Act would cut taxes for virtually every worker and small business in America. And if you’re a small business owner that hires new workers, raises wages, or hires a veteran, you get an additional tax cut.
Right now, hundreds of thousands of teachers and firefighters and police officers have been laid off because of state budget cuts. This jobs bill will put a lot of these men and women back to work. Right now, there are millions of laid-off construction workers who could be repairing our bridges and roads and modernizing our schools. Why wouldn’t we want to put these men and women to work rebuilding America?
The proposals in this bill are steps we have to take if we want to build an economy that lasts; if we want to be able to compete with other countries for jobs that restore a sense of security for the middle-class. But we also have to rein in our deficit and start living within our means, which is why this jobs bill is paid for by asking millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share.
Some see this as class warfare. I see it as a simple choice. We can either keep taxes exactly as they are for millionaires and billionaires, or we can ask them to pay at least the same rate as a plumber or a bus driver. And in the process, we can put teachers and construction workers and veterans back on the job. We can either fight to protect their tax cuts, or we can cut taxes for virtually every worker and small business in America. But we can’t afford to do both. It’s that simple.
There are too many people hurting in this country for us to simply do nothing. The economy is too fragile for us to let politics get in the way of action. The people who represent you in Washington have a responsibility to do what’s best for you – not what’s best for their party or what’s going to help them win an election that’s more than a year away. So I need you to keep making your voices heard in Washington. I need you to remind these folks who they work for. And I need you to tell your Senators to do the right thing by passing this jobs bill right away. Thank you.
Pflegedienst Isabella
Häusliche Betreung in ganz Berlin Pflege & Betreuung
Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011
Montag, 3. Oktober 2011
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