Hier finden Sie alles rund um das Thema Jobs und Infos dazu sowie aktuelle Stellenangebote.
Montag, 31. Januar 2011
Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011
Samstag, 29. Januar 2011
Freitag, 28. Januar 2011
Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2011
Britisch Government sets out employment law reforms: A letter from Primeminister David Cameron Number10.gov.uk
That’s why this government is relentlessly focussed on getting behind them. We’re asking businesses what they need to grow and prosper and we’re acting on the answers. They want reassurance that the economy is sound – which is why we’ve taken decisive action to cut the deficit and restore sense to Britain’s public finances. They want more reasonable tax rates – which is why we’re now on course for the lowest corporation tax in the G7. They want the endless flow of new regulations to stop – which is why we’ve said that any new rule on business can only come in at the expense of an old one. And they want credit – which is why we are working hard to get Britain’s banks lending again. But speak to businesses and they’ll say something else: that the balance of rights is tilted far too much in favour of employees over employers. They say it’s become far too difficult to hire and fire workers, and far too easy for those workers to make unscrupulous claims against them. This not only costs our businesses a lot of money – on average around £4,000 for defending a tribunal case - but takes up a huge amount of time and effort too. Vitally, it makes businesses think twice before taking people on. I’m determined we shift some of that balance back. That’s why today we’re publishing two really important documents. The first has been a long time coming: an Employer’s Charter. This sets out clearly the rights they have in the workplace. For example, the right to withhold pay from those who go on strike or to sack someone for poor performance. It’s all there in black and white so there’s no longer any confusion. The second is a consultation on how we can make the whole system work better. I don’t just want us to sort out the practical issues – like speeding up the tribunal process and encouraging people to resolve disputes between themselves instead of through the courts. I want us to get to the real crux of the issue too. At the moment, an employee can bring a claim for unfair dismissal after working at a company for just one year. So we’re proposing to extend that to two years. All this isn’t just good for employers; it’s good for workers too. No one wants to spend months on end worrying about a claim. And if businesses are more confident to take people on, it means more jobs for everyone too. Have a look at what we propose yourself. You can see the Charter and consultation here. Better still, give us your feedback. If you run a business and think we can do things in a better way, let us know. If you don’t run a business but know someone who does, forward it on. And if you’re a worker or lawyer who’s had experience of a tribunal, let us know how we can improve the system. Together, let’s create the conditions where business is really confident to invest, and jobs, growth and prosperity are created. | ||||||
Connect to Number 10 |
Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011
Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011
Montag, 24. Januar 2011
Stellenangebote, Jobs, Jobsuche, Stellensuche - JOBworld
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Stellenangebote, Jobs, Jobsuche, Stellensuche - JOBworld
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Sonntag, 23. Januar 2011
Das Erste: "Bericht aus Berlin" am Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011, um 18.30 Uhr im Ersten | ARD Das Erste
Obama Says Jobs, Competitiveness Will be Focus of His State of the Union
AKAD Privat-Hochschulen BWL-Studiengänge im Fernstudium. Beginn jederzeit. Infomaterial hierwww.AKAD.de/InfomaterialLagermitarbeiter Jobs Über 2.000 Logistik Jobs jetzt bei StepStone finden!www.StepStone.de/LagerlogistikExklusive Jobs finden Vorselektierte Jobs ab 60.000 € Zugang zu über 8.000 Headhuntern!Experteer.de/JobsMenschenkenntnis Bücher zur Huter'schen Psychophysiognomikwww.carl-huter.ch
Organizing for America | BarackObama.com | SOTU Watch Parties
On Tuesday, January 25th, President Obama will deliver his second State of the Union address, sharing his vision for job creation, health care, and more. This is an important speech for the nation and for this movement. That's why supporters across the country will be gathering at watch parties to see the speech, and to craft the strategy we'll use to support the agenda President Obama will lay out.Use the map below to find a watch party near you. |
Obama says jobs will be 'main topic' of Tuesday's State of the Union - CNN.com
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Freitag, 21. Januar 2011
Arrangements im Schloss Bensberg bei Köln
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Schlosshotel Lerbach Besuchen Sie Bergisch Gladbach? Hotelpreise & -kritiken vergleichenwww.TripAdvisor.deGünstiges Privatzimmer Preiswertes Zimmer in Berg.Gladbach Köln per Bahn gut erreichbarwww.privatzimmer-in-bergisch-gladbach.deBensberg Pension ab 17 € Kein Schlafsaal alle App. mit TV u. eigener Singleküche 0221/682020www.preiswertpension.deHotels Bergisch Gladbach Schnell und sicher online buchen. Alle Hotels auf einem Stadtplan.
Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2011
Deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Merkel: "Wir wollen vor allem beim Kampf gegen die Arbeitslosigkeit vorankommen"
DasErste.de - ARD Morgenmagazin - Servicethema vom 20.01.2011 - Neue Urteile zu Hartz IV
Der Rechtsexperte Wolfgang Büser beantwortete heute im ARD-Morgenmagazin Fragen zu "HartzIV".
Hier die:
Telefonnummer: 0221/ 56789500
Fax: 0221/ 56789600
E-Mail: moma.service@WDR.DE
Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2011
Arbeitnehmerpauschbetrag rückwirkend erhöht - FDP-Bundestagsfraktion -
- Weg frei machen für die geplante Steuervereinfachung!
- YouTube-Video: Erhöhung der Arbeitnehmerpauschale wird für 2011 voll nutzbar
- Zur Homepage von Birgit Homburger
- YouTube-Video: Statement Birgit Homburger
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Firmenwagen - 1% Regelung Für Unternehmer: So geht der Fiskus bei privat genutztem Pkw leer aus!UnternehmensSteuern.de/GratisreportAngestellt über 49.950.-€ Private Krankenversicherung bietet Topschutz bei Einsparung bis 5500€www.PKV-Suche-24.deTrevler GPS Fahrtenbuch Rechtssicher und spielend leicht Steuern sparen. Ab €135,00 ohne Abofahrtenbuch.trevler.deSteuern sparen Büsingen wird 2011 steuerfrei Finanzamt Singen illegal
Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011
Montag, 17. Januar 2011
Apple CEO Steve Jobs takes medical leave
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Dr. Guido Westerwelle am 17. Januar 2011 um 22.45 Uhr bei "Beckmann" im Ersten - ARD Das Erste DasErste.de
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Liebe ab 30 Finden Sie Ihre neue Liebe fürs Lebenwww.heartbooker.de4% auf's Tagesgeld Topaktueller Tagesgeld Vergleich - Sichern Sie sich bis 4% Zinsen!www.Tagesgeld.Geld.de4,2% Tagesgeld-Zinsen Tagesgeld-Konten mit Top-Zinsen im aktuellsten Online-Vergleich!Tagesgeld.Vergleich.deNoten von Beckmann Verlag portofrei bei alle-noten.de Über 570.000 Notenausgabenwww.alle-noten.de
Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011
FDP: SPD-Vorschläge zu Hartz-IV-Berechnung belasten Kommunen um weitere 1,2 Milliarden Euro!
Freitag, 14. Januar 2011
Live Webcast, January 14 at 9:45 A.M. (EST): Secretary Clinton Speaks on U.S.-China Relations | U.S. Department of State Blog
The Richard C. Holbrooke Annual Lecture is a tribute to the memory and accomplishments of one of our nation's finest diplomats and most dedicated public servants. The annual lecture will provide a forum to discuss challenging and important foreign policy issues like those Ambassador Holbrooke grappled with and left an indelible mark upon throughout his distinguished career, including as Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs from 1977-1981.
Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011
1&1 Internet AG - DSL, Hosting, Mobile Internet, Domain, Server
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Full Service Web-Hosting Persönliche Beratung und Betreuung zum Festpreis - Wir denken mit!www.corpex.de.de-Domain nur 0,16 € und viele andere Domains extrem günstig, mit Root-Server ab 29€ mtlwww.antagus.deSTRATO AG Webhosting, Server, Online-Shops - Ihr Provider mit Top-Angeboten!www.strato.de.de-Domain für 7,-/Jahr Mit eigener DNS-Verwaltung Weitere kostengünstige Domains auf:www.wehostyou.eu
Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011
Bundesagentur für Arbeit: Vorstand Heinrich Alt zur "Klageflut Hartz IV" | Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) |
Job Offers U.S. Mission to Germany / Stellenangebote Diplomatische Vertretungen der USA (US-Botschaft und Konsulate)
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